Welcome, we are glad that you are here and we are happy to help you become part of our Faith Formation Family! We have several options available to help meet the various needs of your families. Please call the Faith Formation Office if you wish to register. All registered children must have a copy of their Baptismal Record on File. All programs begin the first week in October.
Children's Liturgy
Children age 3 through 1st grade are dismissed before the first Reading to participate in Children's LIturgy of the Word. They rejoin the community after the Homily. This is offered during 9:30 Mass beginning the first Sunday in October through the beginning of May. Children do not need to be registered to participate.
Those in Pre-School through 1st grade who are registered can stay with a catechist for Faith Formation until Mass has ended. Parents pick up children from their classroom when Mass is finished. Children must be registered to participate in this portion of Children's Liturgy
Faith Formation
Weekly Option
Tuesday | 4:30pm-5:45pm
This is a weekly program where children meet with the same catechist each week. Parents must accompany their children into the Carlo Acutis Room, parking in the South Lot--and pick up from same. No child will be released in to the parking lot for pick up.
Weekly Schedule
Monthly Option
Sundays after the 11:30am Mass
These gatherings are attended by parent and child together.
We meet once a month according to the calendar.
Gospel Weeklies are to be done at home, and returned on the next gathering date,
according to syllabus.
Monthly Schedule
When the Utica Community School District is closed during the day or in the afternoon due to weather, our Morning Mass, and Religious Education classes are cancelled. We follow Utica Community Schools Winter, Spring and Christmas breaks.