Preparation for First Reconciliation is in conjunction with preparation for First Eucharist.
Both are done usually in the second grade year.
Young people must be registered in a Faith Formation process
the year prior to a sacrament year.
Preparation begins with learning about God's endless Mercy and Forgiveness, with age-appropriate lessons. These gatherings are attended by parent and child.
Attending Mass is considered part of this preparation.
Immediate preparation for the celebration of First Reconciliation is separate from Faith Formation. All children in Sacrament Prep must also be concurrently
registered in regular faith formation for their grade level. Children are automatically
registered into Sac Prep for First Reconciliation when registered for First Eucharist.
Please call the office, if you have any questions, or if you need to register.
Celebration takes place Saturday, October 26th at 12 Noon.
Calendar at First Information Meeting